Русская версия

Тищенко О.В.


The Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor


Building No. 4, auditorium 4208, ph. (3953) 33-53-73

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The Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty was created in 1994 and holds a specific place in the university structure as it is only one in our city that carries out the training of the specialists in the field of Humanities, Educations and Pedagogics, providing Bratsk and Irkutsk region in general with qualified personnel for the system of the secondary, secondary vocational and higher education, cultural and educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, and for administrative work.

Five departments are the part of the faculty: History and Political Science, Pedagogics and Psychology, Jurisprudence and Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Physical Training. Three specialized departments – History and Political Science, Pedagogics and Psychology, Jurisprudence and Philosophy – carry out training of bachelors in two courses "Pedagogical Education" and "Psychology and Pedagogical Education", the training on specialist program "Pedagogics and Psychology of Deviant Behavior", and also on the scientific specialties "National History", "General History", "General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education", "Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics" for receiving postgraduate professional education  (postgraduate study).

All the courses of training in humanitarian and pedagogical profiles are actively being developed as provided by the modern requirements to the system of the higher education. Nowadays the specialists who has been trained at Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty work at higher educational institutions, schools and infant schools, in the Ministry of Home Affairs system, Sberbank,  Russian Railway System, bailiff service, at television and radio, large industrial enterprises, at archives and  museums of Irkutsk, Belgorodsk region, the Republic of Buryatia, in Moscow, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk. __

By means of the creative work of the teachers of the Pedagogics and Psychology Department the laboratory of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Youth is successfully being operated to optimize bachelors’ training.

The HPF students and teachers take active part in different city, regional, all-Russian scientific projects and conferences. For several years the Department of History and Political Science has been holding the archaeological researches of the region of Central Angara. Since 2003 at the Department of Jurisprudence and Philosophy the student's legal service has been working, as well as the sociological laboratory executing the orders of the university and the city authorities. The Department of Foreign Languages gives the students an opportunity to get the additional qualification "The translator in the field of Professional Communication".

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