Русская версия

Social-economic and legal protection of students is one of the main tasks of the trade-union organization of students.

The important direction in work of the trade-union organization is students’ upbringing by attraction them to vigorous socially useful activity, creation of conditions for receiving full higher education. In its work the trade-union organization is guided by the corresponding normative legal documents, legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Social problems are solved with the assistance of administration of the University, Irkutsk Regional committee of labor union of workers of national education and science, the regional and city administration, deputies of all levels of the government.

The main areas of work on social-economic and legal protection of students are implemented through the directions:

  • "Health protection of students";
  • "Student's life and material security of students";
  • "Organization of extracurricular work";
  • "Protection of law and order in the territory of the campus", etc.

All directions are developed on the basis of the Collective Agreement between the rector and the trade-union organization of students of Bratsk State university.

For practical implementation of the directions, the university locates a good social base. The distinctive feature of BrSU is its compactness: three dormitories, a sanatorium, a health center, a sports complex, students and sports clubs, a dining room are located in the territory of the campus that allows first-year students to adapt quickly to the living conditions, new to them.

Within teaching and educational work the trade-union committee of students holds meetings of the most active members on the following questions: "The results of intermediate certification", "The preparation for examinations", "The discipline of students". Long-term practice shows that the quality of knowledge directly depends on the students’ attendance and respectively receiving a scholarship.

The administration and trade-union committee pay special attention to a question of health protection of students. At the beginning of academic year, there is the analysis of medical certificates and detection of diseases of first-year students. All the students who have chronic diseases have regular medical check-up for the purpose of their improvement during the training at the University.

Annually the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation allocates target funds for the organization of sanatorium treatment and rest of student's youth. In summer vacation students improve the health on the Black Sea coast (Gelendzhik, Anapa) and the Sea of Azov, at Lake Baikal, sanatorium of the lake of Shir, "Bratsk Seashore", tourist bases of Mountain Altai, and travel around the route "Golden Ring".

Without separation from educational process students take a course of rehabilitation in university sanatorium during the academic year. During the academic year about 800 students can improve health in sanatorium.

Recently new types of medical improvements have been done into sanatorium of the University: "Sunbed", "Underwater shower massage and bubble massage", "Intestine irrigation" and "Phytotherapy", as well as a new stomatology installation has been started to work. At the end of 2013 the doors of clinic diagnostic laboratory were opened in the sanatorium of the University. Moreover, in 2015 the office of ultrasonic scanning was opened as well.

Now students of our higher educational institution have a unique opportunity to go laboratory checkup and get the consultation of doctors. Laboratory methods of research will allow doctors to make the initial diagnosis, define a disease stage, and develop the plan of preventive, diagnostic and medical actions.

There are health-improving groups for students who receive free subscriptions for the visit to the swimming pool in the sports complex "Solnechniy".

Well-organized life of students is an important factor of increase of efficiency in teaching and educational process of higher educational institution.

The successful location of the buildings necessary for educational process and accommodation allows to improve working conditions, life and rest of students. Each dormitory has service and auxiliary premises equipped with modern household appliances, kitchens and laundry places, rooms for independent studies, rest, sports rooms.

Every year in September trade-union committee of students holds meetings with first-year students who move into university dormitory. They discuss such questions as observance of routine regulations in dormitory; fire safety regulations; economic questions; leisure of the students living in the dormitory; by-election to the student council of the university dormitory.

Much attention is paid to the rest of the nonresident and foreign students living in well-planned dormitories. Such leisure events as "Student's kitchen", the holiday "Halloween", the competitions "Cheerful Starts", "Day of Health", "Summer lightning", "Courage Lesson", "Mini-Olympic Games", "New Year's Evening for Foreign Students", etc. are held for them. The competition "The best room of the dormitory", cognitive excursion tours to Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Plant, the ethnographic museum "Angarsk Village" and many other things are regularly organized.

The active stand in life of student’s council of the dormitories helps to diversify student's life, thinking out new and different methods, work forms, thereby expanding the plan of joint activity with trade-union committee of students. Each student is able to develop oneself in sport, creativity or socially useful activity.

Over the past few years trade union committee purchased washing machines, ironing tables, irons and electric furnaces and other appliances for improvement of domestic conditions of the students living at the university dormitories. Moreover, the sports equipment for students interested in conducting a healthy lifestyle was purchased, comfortable conditions for accommodation of foreign students in dormitory are created.

Special attention is paid to family students with children, meetings with health workers, different actions are held for them: "Children's Day", "The New Year's fairy tale", the contest "The Most Charming Student's Family", New Year's gifts are annually given.

At the university different types of scholarships are paid: state academic and state social scholarships, scholarships for the needy students of the first and second year, the full-ride scholarship for special achievements in educational, research, public, sports and cultural work, and numerous nominal grants.

The trade-union committee regularly holds meetings of the heads of university with the most active members (labor union organizers and heads) for solving the youth’s problems.

The trade-union committee of students of the university actively protects the students’ interests in the aspects of providing scholarships, privileges, guarantees and compensations.

More than thirty-five years’ work of trade-union committee on social, economic and legal protection of students has been carried out jointly with all structural divisions and with assistance of administration with the only purpose - creating favorable conditions for receiving quality higher education.

english-1 english-2 english-3 english-4
 Action – Memory Watch  Immortal Regiment  Bratsk Hydropower Plant  Cheerful Starts
english-5 english-6 english-7 english-8
 Cheerful Starts  Open air Event – Day of Health  Skating rink  "Hawaii"
english-9 english-10 english-11 english-12
 Day of Health –Sport race in the open air  Day of Health for the students living in the dormitory  Day of Health  Friendly New Years’ Tea Party
english-13 english-14 english-15 english-16
 Friendly students at the game Treasure of points  Winter sports – ice-skating  Game Treasure of points  Funny gathering in Angarsk Village
english-17 english-18 english-19 english-20
 Funny gathering in the ethnographic museum Angarsk Village  Contest "The Most Charming Student's Family"  Contest "Student’s Kitchen"  Contest of Student’s Talents "Student’s Kitchen"
english-21 english-22 english-23 english-24
 Award of the most active students of the contest "The best dormitory’s room"  Award on the results of the holiday "Halloween"

Award Sports race

 New Year Event for foreign students
english-25 english-26 english-27 english-28
 New Year Tea Party for foreign students  New Year Party for foreign students  New Year Party  Student’s Day off on the result of the contest "The best labor union organizer"
english-29 english-30 english-31 english-32
 Award of the most active students of the contest "The best dormitory’s room"  Holiday "9th of May - Victory’s Day"  Holiday for the student’s children for the 1st of June Ethnographic museum Angarsk Village
english-33 english-34 english-35 english-36
Holiday "The Day of Russian Students"  Holiday "The Day of Children’s Protection"  Holiday Halloween Excursion tour for foreign students to Bratsk Hydro Power Plant
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  Holiday "The Day of Children’s Protection" Meeting for the students living in the dormitory Meeting for the students living in the dormitory
english-45 english-46 english-47 english-48
Refreshments from the rector for Tatyana’s Day Award on the results of the holiday "Halloween" Tea Party at the ethnographic museum Angarsk Village Student’s Day of on the result of the contest "The best labor union organizer"
english-44 english-43 english-42 english-41
 Refreshments from the trade union for traditional holiday Bratsk Shrovetide  Chess Tournaments  Students at Bratsk Hydro Power Plant  Sports race – Cheerful Starts

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